The history of Daugailiai is closely connected to the historical events of Lithuania. Military corps under the leadership of the French general of the army Udin had marched through Daugailiai towards Polock at the time of Napoleon?s campaign against Russia in 1812. Lead by Emilija Pliateryte, the military troop arrived in Daugailiai at the time of the rebellion in 1831. When the Peterburg  Warsaw road was finished in 1836, a post station was founded in Daugailiai. There was a stone house with stable and calling on the way court. The station consisted of two main buildings. The house was divided into two separated rooms, in which post workers and soldiers lived. There were equipped waiting  rooms for passengers. The famous Lithuanian poet A. Baranauskas wrote about the trip with the diligence through Daugailiai. A post horseman was depicted in Daugailiai borough?s Emblem, which was created in 2004.
The rebellion of 1863-1864 had also left marks in the history of Daugailiai. The rebels leaded by K. Lukosiunas acted in the countryside of Daugailiai.

Thanks to the native family of Jureles (Jonas, Justinas and Julija) Lithuanian books, newspapers and prayer books reached Daugailiai, although press prohibition still existed.
WW II took away the lifes of these natives: P. Jurele, J. Merkys, D. and K. Malisauskai, P. Vosylius, S. Tarulis, B. Kimsa. The Soviet rule was established there in the 10th of July in 1944 and soon three partisanian troops started to act in Daugailiai countryside. A small triangular square in the centre of Daugailiai is sprinkled with the blood of postwar resistants.
The bloody events of January in 1991 also inscribed in the history of Lithuania the name of native Algimantas Petras Kavoliukas.
The Russian State elementary school was opened in Daugailiai in 1900 but some illegal Lithuanian schools leaded by tutors worked in the countryside too.
The Lithuanian elementary school started to work in 1920 and the elementary school of six complete sets was built in 1936. The new building of Daugailiai school rose in the centre of the settlement in 1970 and the annex was built in 1980. The school is being called primary school till 1998.
124 pupils studied, 20 teachers and 15 other workers worked at Daugailiai primary school at the time of 2004-2005 school year. The school is directed by Stasys Dervinis. The societies of sport, arts and study of local lore work there.

The places of sight in Daugailiai

The mound of Daugailiai is the archeological monument, which one can find over 300 metres from the road Utena-Zarasai. It is dated 1000 the year of grace.
At the end of XVII century the first church of Daugailiai was built on the top of the mound. The cemetery were in the graveyard. The dead people were buried on the top of the mound and in the pitches.
The Institute of Lithuanian History (leader G. Zabiela) was researching the central part of the mound. There were found stone scorched base of the church, a part of the ruin grave and a shilling of Ernst Biron, who was vicegerent in Curonia in 1764.
The wooden fancy cross has been built on the mound for the memory of the first church of Daugailiai in the 15th of July in 1990.
The priest Antanas Rumsevicius built the current church of Sanctus Antanas Paduvietis in 1883.
The priest Kazimieras Kirsinas worked in Daugailiai in 1897-1935. He was the first priest, who had been buried in the cemetery of Daugailiai. He very heartily carried of education of Daugailiai people.
Daugailiai has belonged to the parish of Dusetos until 1939. In 1939 the priest Kazimieras Mozuras fixed the church, built a new parsonage.
The priests Adomas Vysniauskas and Gediminas Sukys took care of spiritual life in the parish of Daugailiai at the postwar period.
The canon of honour and priest Petras Baltuska works there until 1970. He had celebrated his 50 years of pastorate in the 18th of July in 2004. The parson P. Baltuska takes care not only of spiritual life of parishioners but he also has a big library. The priest Petras Baltuska was awarded to cross of knight order of Lithuanian duke Gediminas in the 25th of June in 2004.
The cemetery of Daugailiai is in the eastern part of the settlement. It was started to bury there in 1886.
17 Lithuanian Army volunteers were buried there in 1919-1921. There are more famous people, who were buried in Daugailiai cemetery: Jonas Valiukenas (one of the oldest Lithuanian Army volunteers and creators, who was buried there in 1960); K. Kirsinas (The priest of Daugailiai parish of many years standing); Juozapas Cepenas ( a priest and a doctor of philosophical sciences).
A monument ´For God and Motherland? stands in the centre of Daugailiai. It was built in 1938 to the Independence of Lithuania, also commemorating the 550th anniversary of Lithuanian christening, 25th anniversary of the Catholic youth union ´Spring? and 15th of activity of Daugailiai ´Spring? company. The small plant was set in the monument in 2002. It has to remember the partisans of Daugailiai territory.

The places of sight in Daugailiai monitorment
There are a lot of places, which one can visit, especially one can find many homesteads of famous Lithuanian people.
A native land of Bronius Kviklys (born in 1943) is named Zastronas village. B. Kviklys is the author of encyclopedic edition "Our Lithuania" (4 volumes) History of Lithuanian villages and boroughs, and book ´Lithuanian churches (7 volumes). He is the famous scientist and cultural worker in emigration, who dedicated all his life to the preservation of Lithuanianism.
A homeland of the poet Jonas Siozinys (1915-1987), who was born in Sioziniai village is also in Daugailiai territory. He wrote 5 poetry collections, many poems and tales for children.
One can also find and visit there the homestead of poets Antanas and Motiejus Miskiniai. Two classics of Lithuanian literature were born in Juknenai village. Antanas Miskinis (1905-1983) wrote such collections of poetry like ´Four towns?, ´Poems?, ´Near ground?, ´Diary? and others. He was buried in Antakalnis cemetery, in Vilnius. Motiejus Miskinis (1897-1974) was a famous translator, pedagogue and researcher of literature. He founded a little school in his homeland Juknenai. Now the museum is established in their homestead.
A famous Lithuanian archbishop Mecislovas Reinys (1884-1953) was born in Madagaskaras village, which also belongs to Daugailiai monitorment. He was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, the bishop of Vilkaviskis, the archbishop of Vilnius, a martyr. He died in Vladimiras prison, in Siberia.
The historian Pranas Cepenas(1899-1980) is one more native. He was born in Velaikiai village. P. Cepenas was the editor of ´Encyclopedia of Lithuania?, ´Dictionary of international words?, which were published in Independent Lithuanian State, he is also the editor of ´Encyclopedia of Lithuania? (37 Volumes), which was published in Boston, in USA, the author and editor of ´Lithuanian modern history? (2 volumes). He died in USA, in 1980. Juozapas Cepenas (1880-1976), a priest and a doctor of philosophical sciences, was his brother.
One can also visit the grave of Jokubas Simkevicius (1775-1818) in Taukeliai village. He was a doctor, humanist. He wrote the first text book of Lithuanian surgery ´The science of theoretical and practical surgery?, the first text book of pediatrics ´The science of children diseases?, he was also one of the first who started to propagate the ideas of abstinence.

Public and social institutions and organizations in Daugailiai

One can find more information about Daugailiai, it?s history, ancient editions, money and famous people of these places in the Museum of Daugailiai. The Museum of Local Lore was opened at Daugailiai school in the 7th of May in 1988. The exhibition was renewed at the time of Rebirth. The bishop of Panevezys J. Preiksas consecrated the Museum in the 11th of July in 1993. It is leaded by the teacher Rita Jurkeviciene. The Museum is receiving a great deal of company (pupils, soldiers, social organizations) from abroad and various places of Lithuania annually. There are inscribes in Russian, English, Chinese languages in the Company Book of the Museum.
The library was opened in Daugailiai in 1940. It became the branch of public library A. and M. Miskiniai of Utena. A public internet centre ´Window to the future? was opened there in 2002. Now the library is leaded by Aida Grigaliuniene who was awarded to bounty at the competition of the best Lithuanian library in 2004.
There were a hospital in Daugailiai in 1938-1947, later a dispensary was established. The chemistry was founded in 1940. Both these institutions (the dispensary and chemistry) worked in the premises of parsonage, but they were transferred to school premises in 1998.
A fire station started to work in Daugailiai in XX century, 7th decade. Now it is Daugailiai fire brigade of fire prevention rescuing service of Utena, which is directed by Povilas Vezys.
The entertainment centre was opened in Daugailiai in 1958. There were societies of drama and folkdance, dance company of elderly people, women quartet, women ensemble, chorus.
Public organizations in Daugailiai:
1) Daugailiai section of Lithuanian farmers society, which was registered in 1998 (president  Regina Meskuotiene).
2) A Friend Society of Daugailiai School, registered in 2000 (chairman  Antanas Vilunas).
3) A Fund of health and sport supporting of Daugailiai, registered in 2002 on Lithuanian ambassador for USA and Mexico Vygaudas Usackas initiative. The leader of the fund is Stasys Dervinis.
4) Daugailiai community was founded in 2003.
There are a branch of gas  station network "Alausa", countryside tourism homestead of M. Balciunas, three shops.
A native skiers Aukse Dervinyte and Dainius Mazliokas made known Daugailiai name successfully representing Lithuania at European and World Youth Championships in 2005. Stasys Dervinis, who is their trainer, is also coach of Lithuanian Youth national team.

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